Monday, February 6, 2012

I always loved Casiopea, I've mentioned them on here many moons ago, and they have once again blown my mind with their song "Smiles." When I hear this song, its like being in love. My heart literally moves. Call me corny, call it what you will, but this song has that power behind it. If I close my eyes and listen to this, it transcends me. The obvious bass guitar is like warm butter, but the organs that come and go are just fantastic. The whole song in general plays my chakras like a musical instrument. I can just meditate on colors and breathing and focus and happiness. Almost like doing drugs to stabilize a deficiency or to remind you to just slow down and realign yourself physically and mentally. Re-listening to this while I write this, just gives me the sensation of dropping weight, spraying colors and energy like a wet dog shaking away the rain water. Life is good. We just tend to not realize it because we are so distracted by what its supposed to be and look like. What it smells like and tastes like and is acceptable by others.. Casiopea does a superb job of making all of that noise go away for a little while.

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